Sunday, 18 September 2011

It's all gone quiet!

Hello people! 

Its all been a bit quiet since the shoot  -  after all that hard work we all had a little bit of summer holiday to recover and now we're back! Hurrah!

So - update on the film - Chloe, our wonderful editor is busy editing the film at the moment - and last week we had the pleasure of seeing the first cut. I've got to say (though i might be a bit biased!) that the film is starting to take shape - and it's looking amazing!

For those of you who don't know about post production process - its going to be some time before you get to see the finished film  - we still have the edit, sound track lay, visual effects, mix and grade to do - so it'll be at least december before we're finished. 

That said, we'll give you regular updates on the progress - and I might even sneak some photos up too! 

 One of the sets 
Andrew Havill (Roland) and Amelda Brown (Betty)
Victoria Ross (Florence) discovers the bomb